mangoes.modeling package

Module contents

The modeling subpackage provides functionality for using transformer models for various tasks, including feature extraction, pretraining, and a number of fine-tuning tasks. It is a interface into the Huggingface transformers and tokenizers libraries ( and, meant to provide an easy-to-use API for using transformers for contextual embeddings or training/inference.

The main component of the subpackage are the task classes. Each possible task is implemented as a class that inherits from mangoes.modeling.transformer_base.TransformerModel. This API provides full pipeline functionality for each task, from raw textual inputs to inference, and training, saving, and loading. Each class has a tokenizer and model as attributes.

The API for these task classes include 5 main functions:
  • __init__():

    This function will load a pretrained tokenizer and model. Model loading includes loading a pretrained base transformer model (while initializing possible fine-tuning head(s)) for use in fine-tuning, or loading a pretrained base transformer model and trained classification heads. Arguments into this method can be paths to local directories containing pretrained tokenizers/models, or keyword identifiers that map into Huggingface’s model hub (see for more info).

  • save():

    This function is a way to save a trained model and/or tokenizer to a local directory.

  • train():

    The train function provides an easy-to-use interface for training the model for the associated task. Under the hood, this function makes use of the transformers.Trainer interface (see The train methods in the task classes are meant to have intuitive default functionality, while providing users powerful options for customization. With this in mind, there are 3 ways to call each task class’ train method:

    • raw data:

      Provide raw (ie, not tokenized or featurized) data as input to the method. Dataset classes will be instantiated internally using the mangoes default task Dataset classes in :module:`mangoes.modeling.training_utils`, which will then be used to instantiated a transformers.Trainer to train the model.

    • dataset objects:

      Provide your own dataset objects as input, instead of the raw data. These objects should subclass the torch.Dataset (, as this is what is used internally in the Trainer class. A Trainer object will be instantiated, using these dataset classes, inside the train method. This option exists if users want dataset functionality that is different than the provided default dataset classes.

    • Trainer object:

      Provide an instantiated transformers.Trainer object as input to the train class. Providing the most customization possible, this option exists for users who want special functionality while training (ie, by subclassing the transformers.Trainer class and overriding methods).

    The first two options allow the user to pass keyword arguments for training hyper-parameters (see the API docs for specifics), while the third allows users to instantiated their own Trainer object with what ever hyper-parameters they want. See examples in the use-cases sections of the documentation, or in the demo notebooks.

  • predict():

    The predict methods provide a straightforward inference call for each task class, taking as input non-tokenized text for the associated task and directly outputting the model’s predictions.

  • generate_outputs():

    This method is also a way to use the model for inference. However, it differs from predict() in that the outputs are not processed to parse a direct prediction (for example by calling argmax on output probabilities). Also, generate_outputs can return hidden state outputs and attention matrices for each layer in the base model, in addition to possible fine tuning head layer outputs. Furthermore, information on how the input was tokenized is returned as well. This method is useful when users want to analyze the outputs/network more than just getting a direct prediction. For more information, see the API docs.

In addition to these 5 methods, the task classes all expose their tokenizers and models as attributes, giving direct access to the Huggingface tokenizer and model classes, if needed.