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Declearn Optimizer - API, design principles and practical how-tos

This guide provides a comprehensive introduction to the Declearn Optimizer, which is one of the core features of the package. It is aimed at both end-users and developers, as it tackles both the practical use of our API, its advanced details (including some limitations), its underlying design principles and the way to build upon it to implement your own federated optimization algorithms and applications.

As an alternative or a complement to this guide, one may refer to the API reference of declearn.optimizer for a code-driven and docstrings-based exhaustive view on the abstractions, concrete classes and utils exposed by DecLearn. Here are links to the abstract base classes' API reference: Optimizer, OptiModule, Regularizer.


In short, declearn.optimizers.Optimizer is a class designed to provide with a single entry-point to define SGD-based optimization algorithms, agnostic to the machine learning framework used to define the model and its weights' data structure. It is designed around a plug-in system that enables combining some unitary algorithm pieces into complex optimizers, that leave the opportunity for both developers and end-users to write up their own plug-ins. It is also meant to provide with capabilities that are specific to the federated or even decentralized learning settings, while remaining compatible with the "basic" centralized setting.

Although it was designed as part of Declearn and in articulation with the rest of our APIs, our Optimizer may be re-used in other projects, and has notably been made part of Fed-BioMed, another Inria-spawned project that implements a Federated Learning solution specifically targetted at cross-silo settings for healthcare institutions and applications.



Declearn provides with a unified entry-point to define SGD-based optimizers: declearn.optimizer.Optimizer.

  • It provides with the most basic SGD algorithm pieces: it scales input gradients into updates based on a learning rate, and optionally adds a decoupled weight decay term.
  • In addition, it enables setting up pipelines of plug-ins, that are applied sequentially to the input gradients so as to refine them prior to applying the learning rate scaling and adding the weight decay term.

There are two types of plug-ins to an Optimizer:

  • declearn.optimizer.regularizers.Regularizer:

    • A Regularizer plug-in implements a loss regularization term.
    • It receives gradients and model weights as inputs, and returns the modified gradients (usually: gradients to which a weight-based term was added).
    • Examples include generic regularization terms, such as the Lasso (L1) and Ridge (L2) ones, but also FL-specific ones, such as FedProx.
    • You can list currently-available regularizers (and their names) by calling declearn.optimizer.list_optim_regularizers().
    • In most cases, a Regularizer actually computes the derivative of the desired regularization term based on model weights and/or some internal state, and adds the results to input gradients.
  • declearn.optimizer.modules.OptiModule:

    • An OptiModule plug-in implements a given gradients-altering algorithm.
    • It receives gradients as inputs, and returns them after some processing.
    • Examples include norm-based gradient clipping, adaptive algorithms such as RMSProp or Adam, or the FL-specific Scaffold algorithm, that manages and applies a correction term based on quantities computed federatively during training.
    • You can list currently-available optimodules (and their names) by calling declearn.optimizer.list_optim_modules().
    • Additional mechanisms enable setting up some information sharing between paired client-side and server-side modules in the federated context. These can be used to set up FL-specific algorithms such as Scaffold.

Practical use

The syntax to set up an Optimizer instance is:

  • optim = Optimizer(lrate, w_decay, regularizers, modules)
  • By default, w_decay=0.0 (no weight decay), and regularizers and modules are None, resulting in a Vanilla SGD optimizer.
  • Plug-ins (whether regularizers or modules) are input as a list, each element of which specifies a plug-in, either as:
    • an instance of the desired plug-in (e.g. AdamModule(beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.99))
    • a tuple with the name and hyper-parameters of the plug-in (e.g. ("adam", {"beta_1": 0.9, "beta_2": 0.99}))
    • a string providing only the plug-in's name, resulting in default hyper-parameter values to be used (e.g. "adam")

An Optimizer has a configuration and a state, that may be (de)serialized:

  • optim.get_config may be used to return a JSON-serializable configuration.
  • Optimizer.from_config may be used to instantiate an optimizer from its configuration dict.
  • optim.get_state may be used to access the current states of an optimizer (made recursively of those of its plug-ins).
  • optim.set_state may be used to reset the states of an optimizer to given values.
  • The declearn.utils.json_load and json_dump utils may be used to save and load the configuration and state dictionaries to and from JSON files.

Framework agnosticity

Both the Optimizer and its plug-in components operate on the Model and Vector APIs of Declearn, enabling their code to be written agnostic to the machine learning framework (and actual model architecture), so that the (exact) same algorithms are made available for all supported frameworks.

The only exceptions to that principle are a few framework-specific plug-ins that provide end-users with adapters to interface framework-specific optimizer tools, which were designed to facilitate the transition to Declearn as well as ease efforts to experiment with using less-usual algorithms in a federated context - in hope that such efforts will eventually result in implementing such algorithms into "proper" framework-agnostic Declearn plug-ins.

Design principles

The design choices for the Declearn Optimizer were based on the following objectives and rationale:

  1. Provide with framework-agnostic rather than framework-wise implementations
  2. Provide with combinable bricks rather than a myriad of optimizer subclasses
  3. Enable end-users to write up their own bricks with full tooling support

Provide with framework-agnostic implementations

The first objective comes from the observation that while each of our supported machine learning frameworks (notably TensorFlow and Torch) provide with their own optimization API and implementations for a number of algorithms, using them directly would yield costs of three distinct natures. First, it would mean that any algorithm that would not be available out-of-the-box (e.g. ones that are specific to federated learning) would have to be implemented once per supported framework. Second, it would mean that adding support for a new maching learning framework would require re-implementing each and every pre-existing algorithm (or suffer some asymetry of capabilities across frameworks, which goes against the ambition of Declearn). Finally, it would mean that discrepancies between framework-specific third-party implementations would be borne in Declearn - e.g. the fact that the Torch and TensorFlow implementations of Adam differ, or that thay do not abide by the same definition of weight decay, would be kept, which again goes against our ambition to see the choice of framework as a mere implementation detail.

Provide with combinable bricks

The second objective comes from the fact that many research papers on federated optimization provide with specifications to modify a given point in SGD-based or existing algorithms, that are in fact open to be combined with other bricks and/or re-use a common algorithmic backbone. While many frameworks (including Torch and TensorFlow) choose to implement optimization algorithms as subclasses of an abstract optimizer (with possible shared backend code), Declearn takes a reverse approach, where a single Optimizer class is provided, the instances of which are populated with plug-ins that implement unitary algorithmic bricks and are combinable into complex algorithms. One may for instance use a FedProx loss regularization term together with some gradient clipping and an adaptive algorithm that scales the resulting gradients based on some momentum. While this means that end-users can and may write up non-sensical algorithms, we decided in favor of bearing this risk rather than limit or complexify the process through which one may configure their desired optimizer and/or run some experiments on how some bricks interact with each other.

Enable end-users to write up their own bricks

The third objective comes from the fact that we do not expect Declearn to ever cover the entire range of algorithms that end-users may want to use; especially as it aims to be used for research purposes. It is therefore primordial to us that end-users may easily write up their own plug-ins and use them, whether in simulated FL experiments or in real-life deployments, with full support by the rest of the Declearn machinery. A type-registration system was therefore built to enable offering the same support for third-party plug-ins as for the ones that are integrated as part of the main Declearn package. In practice, this means that new plug-ins can be defined in the context of a specific use-cases as well as distributed via third-party Declearn add-on packages (in the vein of what tensorflow_addons used to do for TensorFlow). It is also possible to have our unit tests run for third-party plug-ins (as detailed below in this guide).

Practical examples

SGD-M optimizer

This sets up an optimizer that uses SGD with Momentum, using the default hyper-parameters of the MomentumModule:

import declearn

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(lrate=0.01, modules=["momentum"])

This sets up a similar optimizer, with 0.8 Nesterov Momentum:

import declearn
from declearn.optimizer.modules import MomentumModule

momentum = declearn.optimizer.modules.MomentumModule(beta=0.8, nesterov=True)
optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(lrate=0.01, modules=[momentum])

This does exactly the same, with a different, just-as-valid syntax:

import declearn

momentum = ("momentum", {"beta": 0.8, "nesterov": True})
optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(lrate=0.01, modules=[momentum])

Complex optimizer (FedProx & AdamW with gradient clipping)

This sets up an Optimizer with FedProx regularization (to constraint client drift related to data heterogeneity), L2-norm-based gradient clipping (to avoid exploding gradients), and an AdamW adaptive algorithm (made of Adam and a decoupled weight decay term).

In this case, we use a 0.001 learning rate, 0.01 weight decay, a 1.0 clipping threshold, 0.01 alpha for FedProx (mu in the original paper) and default values for Adam's hyper-parameters (beta1=0.9, beta2=0.99 and epsilon=1e-7).

import declearn

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(
    regularizers=[("fedprox", {"alpha": 0.01})]
        ("l2-clipping", {"max_norm": 1.0}),
        ("adam", {"beta1": 0.9, "beta2": 0.99, "eps": 1e-7}),

Since all plug-ins hyper-parameters specified here are the default ones, we could be less explicit in the instantiation instructions and go with:

import declearn

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(
    modules=["l2-clipping", "adam"],

Of course, one may be even more explicit by manually instantiating the plug-ins and passing them to the Optimizer constructor:

import declearn

fedprox = declearn.optimizers.regularizers.FedProx(alpha=0.01)
l2_clip = declearn.optimizers.modules.L2Clipping(max_norm=1.0)
adam = declearn.optimizers.modules.AdamModule(beta1=0.9, beta2=0.99, eps=1e-7)

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(
    modules=[l2_clip, adam],


Scaffold is a Federated Learning algorithm that aims at improving over vanilla FedAvg in contexts where data heterogeneity leads to clients having distinct optimal model solutions, the average of which does not correspond to the global optimum. It relies on the introduction of correction terms to the locally-computed gradients, that are computed based on both a shared global state and client-wise ones.

To implement Scaffold in Declearn, one needs to set up both server-side and client-side OptiModule plug-ins. The client-side module is in charge of both correcting input gradients and computing the required quantities to update the states at the end of each training round, while the server-side module merely manages the computation and distribution of the global referencestate.

The following snippet sets up a pair of client-side and server-side optimizers that implement Scaffold, here with a 0.001 learning rate on the client side and a 0.9 one on the server side, which are both arbitrary values to adjust to your actual use-case.

import declearn

client_opt = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(

server_opt = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(

In practice, both of these instances (or their configuration) should be wrapped as part of the declearn.main.config.FLOptimConfig that would be provided at instantiation to the server-side declearn.main.FederatedServer instance used for orchestrating the federated learning process.

For more details on how the paired modules exchange information, see the section on auxiliary variables below.

Interface a TensorFlow or Torch Optimizer

In general, we strongly advise end-users to make use of the Declearn-specific optimizer plug-ins, whether provided as part of Declearn or written as part of your use-case code or a third-party extension library. There might however be cases where one really wants to use a specific optimizer written using the framework-specific API of TensorFlow or Torch, e.g. because it is a very specific, experimental and/or complex algorithm that is either too hard or not mature enough to be worth the effort re-implementing using the Declearn syntax. In that case, you may use a Declearn-provided interface to wrap that framework-specific object into an OptiModule plug-in instance.

Note that in both cases, the learning rate defined as part of the TensorFlow or Torch optimizer will be overridden in favor of that defined by the Declearn optimizer into which it is being plugged.

Here is an example code snippet in Torch:

import declearn
import declearn.model.torch
import torch

plugin = declearn.model.torch.TorchOptiModule(
    torch.optim.RAdam,  # note that this is a type, not an instance
    # you may pass any RAdam instantiation kwargs here

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(

And here is an example code snippet in TensorFlow:

import declearn
import declearn.model.tensorflow
import tensorflow as tf

tf_opt = tf.optimizers.Nadam()
plugin = declearn.model.tensorflow.TensorFlowOptiModule(tf_opt)

optim = declearn.optimizer.Optimizer(

Integration in the Declearn Federated Learning process

In Declearn, the Federated Learning optimization problem is formalized as follows:

  • An orchestrating server is in charge of learning a set of model parameters \(\theta\) using gradient descent, based on data that is distributed among an ensemble of clients, each of which holds a dataset \(\mathcal{D}_i\).

  • At each training round:

    • (a subset of) the clients receive the current model weights \(\theta^{(t)}\), and perform a number of stochastic gradient descent steps based on their dataset, that result in \(K_i\) local weights updates:
      • \(\theta_i^{(t, k + 1)} = \theta^{(t, k)} - client\_opt(\theta_i^{(t, k)}, \nabla\theta_i^{(t, k)}(B_{i, k}))\).
    • the server collects the resulting local models \(\theta_i^{t + 1}\), performs an aggregation into a single set of weights, and then conducts an optimization step, using these aggregated weights as a proxy to the actual gradients of the model:
      • \(\hat{\nabla}\theta^{(t)}(\cup_i \mathcal{D}_i) = aggregator(\{\theta_i^{(t + 1)}\}_i)\)
      • \(\theta^{(t+1)} = \theta^{(t)} - server\_opt(\theta^{(t)}, \hat{\nabla}\theta^{(t)}(\cup_i \mathcal{D}_i))\)

As such, a federated optimzation comprises three structural components:

  • An Aggregator, that defines how client-wise model updates are combined into the approximate gradients of the global model. In vanilla FedAvg, client-wise updates are averaged, with optional weighting based on the number of steps taken by the clients.
  • A client-side Optimizer, that defines the algorithm used to conduct local stochastic gradient descent steps. In vanilla FedAvg, this is a vanilla SGD optimizer with a given learning rate.
  • A server-side Optimizer, that defines how the aggregated weights are transformed into updates to the global model at the end of the round. In vanilla FedAvg, the model is replaced with the average of client-wise new ones; this is equivalent to using a vanilla SGD optimzier with a 1.0 learning rate.

In addition to these components, a number of additional hyper-parameters may intervene, such as the number of training rounds, the number of training steps per round (which may be defined in number of steps, number of epochs or even in training duration), or the clients-selection strategy (something which is yet to be extended in Declearn).

In Declearn, we use the following configuration-specification tools to set up the federated optimization algorithm, which is entirely defined by the server and applied by its clients:

  • FLOptimConfig defines the aggregator, client-side optimizer and server-side one.
  • FLRunConfig defines other hyper-parameters, such as the number of rounds and their effort constraints.

If you are not using our orchestration classes, bearing in mind the way how we have structured and formalized federated learning should be helpful in using properly our Optimizer (and optionally Aggregator) APIs as part of your own processing flow.

Advanced topics

OptiModule auxiliary variables

What are auxiliary variables?

In most cases, optimization is merely a function of a model's weights, its gradients based on some inputs, some hyper-parameters and some local state variables. In federated learning however, some algorithms require the use of state variables or hyper-parameters that may change through time co-dependently between clients. An example is the Scaffold algorithm, that requires each and every client to apply a specific correction term to their local gradients, that is updated based on both local computations and a shared state that depends on the aggregation of client-wise statistics.

Declearn introduces the notion of "auxiliary variables" to cover such cases:

  • Each and every OptiModule subclass may define a pair of routines to emit and receive such variables, which are structured information of any nature. This is done by implementing the collect_aux_var and process_aux_var API-defined methods.
  • When needed, a pair of server-side and client-side modules may be implemented and made to exchange their auxiliary variables with each other. This is done by having these paired subclasses share the same (unique) aux_name string class attribute.
  • The packaging and distribution of module-wise auxiliary variables is done by Optimizer.collect_aux_var and process_aux_var, which orchestrate calls to the plugged-in modules' methods of the same name.
  • Exchanged information is formatted via dedicated AuxVar data structures (inheriting declearn.optimizer.modules.AuxVar) that define how to aggregate peers' data, and indicate how to use secure aggregation on top of it (when it is possible to do so).

OptiModule and Optimizer auxiliary variables API

At the level of any OptiModule:

  • OptiModule.collect_aux_var should output either None or an instance of a module-specific AuxVar subclass wrapping data to be shared.

  • OptiModule.process_aux_var should expect a dict that has the same structure as that emitted by collect_aux_var (of this module class, or of a counterpart paired one).

At the level of a wrapping Optimizer:

  • Optimizer.collect_aux_var outputs a {module_aux_name: module_aux_var} dict to be shared.

  • Optimizer.process_aux_var expects a {module_aux_name: module_aux_var} dict as well, containing either server-emitted or aggregated clients-emitted data.

As a consequence, you should note that:

  • An Optimizer should not contain multiple auxiliary-variables-using modules that have the same name or aux_name.
  • If you are using our Optimizer within your own orchestration code (i.e. outside of our FederatedServer / FederatedClient main classes), it is up to you to handle the aggregation of client-wise auxiliary variables into the module-wise single instance that the server should receive.

Integration to the Declearn FL process

On the server side:

  • Optimizer.collect_aux_var is called at the start of a training round, to emit auxiliary variables that should be sent to participating clients alongside with the current model weights.
  • Optimizer.process_aux_var is called at the end of a training round, to process client-emitted information prior to post-processing aggregated model weights into updates to the global model's weights.

On the client side:

  • Optimizer.process_aux_var is called at the start of a training round; to process server-emitted information prior to processing the sequence of locally-computed gradients in order to update the local model weights.
  • Optimizer.collect_aux_var is called at the end of a training round, to emit auxiliary variables that should be known by the server and used to process the aggregated model weights and/or send back new information at the start of the next training round.

The Regularizer.on_round_start method

Regularizer plug-ins expose an on_round_start method, that takes no argument and is designed to be called at the beginning of each training round. Depending on the implemented algorithm, is may be used to reset or update some internal state(s); it is notably used in the FedProx plug-in.

As a developer, you may use this feature in your custom Regularizer plug-ins.

As an end-user, you do not need to worry about it when using the Declearn main orchestration tools. If you write training loops or FL processes on your own, you should however not omit to call that method.

Differential Privacy

If you want to use Differential Privacy in Declearn, we strongly advise that you read our dedicated guide. In short, when DP features are set up as part of the configuration of a federated learning process conducted using our main orchestration classes, the adjustment of everything that needs be is automated, including the setup of a properly-calibrated noise-addition module as part of the optimizers used.

If you are not using our orchestrating class, nor our DP-specific training manager (declearn.main.utils.DPTrainingManager), then you may want to set up noise addition as part of your Optimizer. This can be done by plugging in a NoiseModule subclass instance (e.g. GaussianNoiseModule), which should in general be placed at the very beginning of your modules pipeline. You are then in charge of conducting gradient clipping to control the sensitivity of your inputs, e.g. by using the Model.compute_batch_gradients max_norm kwarg for sample-level DP, by plugging a L2Clipping module prior to the noise addition one to clip batch-averaged gradients based on their L2 norm, or by using your own solutions to compute and clip gradients that are input to the declearn-provided Optimizer you use.

Use in Fed-BioMed

Fed-BioMed is another Inria-spawned project that implements a Federated Learning solution in Python, that specifically targets cross-silo settings for healthcare institutions and applications.

Starting with version 4.4, Fed-BioMed has been integrating the Declearn Optimizer as an alternative to framework-specific optimization tools. Moreover, some algorithms specific to Federated Learning, such as FedProx and Scaffold, are being delegated to Declearn (which takes over custom implementations that are being deprecated).

This is illustrative of how the Declearn optimization API can benefit other projects, even without adopting all of the other things Declearn has to offer. In the case of Fed-BioMed, a custom interface that wraps our Optimizer has been implemented (with our direct support), enabling to bound our API behind theirs, and therefore to have both APIs evolve at their own pace in the future.

How to implement and register your own plug-in

Implementing a Regularizer or an OptiModule

To implement a plug-in (whether a Regularizer or an OptiModule), one should simply inherit from the abstract base class (or from any intermediate class), declare the abstract name class attribute (with one that is not already in use) and implement the abstract run method, and optionally define, overload or overcharge any method that needs be.

For pairs of OptiModule classes that are designed to be plugged on the client and server side respectively, and exchange auxiliary variables with each other between training rounds, one will also need to define the aux_name class attribute, and implement the process_aux_var and collect_aux_var methods of both classes so that their specifications match.

Type-registration system

For (de)serialization purposes, Declearn maintains so-called type registries, which are dynamic mappings that link some custom types with some unique names. This mechanism notably enables specifying optimizer plug-ins as a string and a dict of kwargs, which are mappable into an instance of the target class - this can be used when instantiating an Optimizer, and is most importantly used to share the client-side Optimizer's configuration from the orchestrating server to its clients as part of a Federated Learning process.

Custom, i.e. non-declearn-provided plug-in classes should therefore be added to that registry, so that they can be handled as part of these mechanisms just as any declearn-provided class would. Luckily, this is automated so that it is done by default whenever a subclass of OptiModule or Regularizer is declared. In other words, your custom plug-in subtypes will be registered by default, under their name class attribute (hence the requirement for it to be unique). However, if for some reason you want to prevent type-registration, you may do it by adding register=False to the inheritance instructions of the class; e.g. class MyModule(OptiModule, register=False):.

Note that for your custom types to be parsable by clients, they will need to execute the code that declares them as part of the script that sets up and runs their declearn.main.FederatedClient. This can be done by distributing your types as part of a third-party library (somehow acting as a Declearn add-on) that is imported as part of clients' script, or by ensuring that their source code is included as part of these scripts. This may feel complicated, but is in fact a design choice not to introduce too hastily mechanisms by which clients would be made to execute arbitrary code or imports based on server demands. As a result, and for now, we rely on end-users agreeing with each other on what code will be executed by clients, using processes that are external to Declearn and expected to match security and trust constraints that are unknown to us and that ought to differ depending on the application setting.

Caveats and Open Topics

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that are not available in Declearn, but that we are aware of and considering adding in the future. If you want to contribute ideas, code or new topics to discuss, feel free to let us know, either by opening a GitHub or GitLab issue, or by sending us an e-mail!

Learning Rate Scheduling

Learning rate scheduling is a common practice in machine and especially in deep learning. At the moment, Declearn does not (yet) provide a proper API to do so. We expect to implement proper scheduling tools in the future.

A work-around that end-users may implement is to declare an OptiModule subclass that keeps track of the number of iterations, and scales input gradients based on it and on the desired scheduling formula. If that plug-in is placed last in your pipeline, it will operate right before the learning rate is applied, and therefore yield the desired adaptation to its value.

Layer-wise Learning Rate

In some applications, it may make sense to apply distinct learning rates to subsets of your model's weights. This is notably something that Torch allows for deep neural networks. At the moment, such an approach is not possible in Declearn, as the same learning rate (and optimization algorithms) will be applied to all of the model weights.

A work-around that may be used, but requires tailoring to your application and model architecture, would be to implement a custom OptiModule that operates on the input gradients' Vector.coefs data array values, filtering them by name. This would neither be elegant nor practical, but would work.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that are available in Declearn, but that new-comers may not find out about as easily as they wish. If you have questions, or see things that you think should be listed here, feel free to let us know either by pushing changes to this documentation's source files, opening an issue on GitLab or GitHub, or sending us an e-mail!


In some cases, you might want to clip your batch-averaged gradients, e.g. to prevent exploding gradients issues. This is possible in Declearn, thanks to a couple of OptiModule subclasses: L2Clipping (name: 'l2-clipping') clips arrays of weights based on their L2-norm, while L2GlobalClipping (name: 'l2-global-clipping') clips all weights based on their global L2-norm (as if concatenated into a single array).