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Installation guide


  • python >= 3.8
  • pip

Third-party requirements are specified (and automatically installed) as part of the installation process, and may be consulted from the pyproject.toml file.

Optional requirements

Some third-party requirements are optional, and may not be installed. These are also specified as part of the pyproject.toml file, and may be divided into two categories:
(a) dependencies of optional, applied declearn components (such as the PyTorch and Tensorflow tensor libraries, or the gRPC and websockets network communication backends) that are not imported with declearn by default
(b) dependencies for developers, e.g. to run tests on the package (mainly pytest and some of its plug-ins), or building its documentation (with mkdocs)

The second category is more developer-oriented, while the first may or may not be relevant depending on the use case to which you wish to apply declearn.

In the pyproject.toml file, the [project.optional-dependencies] table all lists all dependencies from the first category, with additional tables redundantly listing them thematically, enabling end-users to cherry-pick the optional components they want to install. For developers, the "tests" and "docs" tables specify tooling dependencies.

Using a virtual environment (optional)

It is generally advised to use a virtual environment, to avoid any dependency conflict between declearn and packages you might use in separate projects. To do so, you may for example use python's built-in venv, or the third-party tool conda.

Venv instructions (example):

python -m venv ~/.venvs/declearn
source ~/.venvs/declearn/bin/activate

Conda instructions (example):

conda create -n declearn python=3.8 pip
conda activate declearn

Note: at the moment, conda installation is not recommended, because the package's installation is made slightly harder due to some dependencies being installable via conda while other are only available via pip/pypi, which caninstall lead to dependency-tracking trouble.


Install from PyPI

Stable releases of the package are uploaded to PyPI, enabling one to install with:

pip install declearn  # optionally with version constraints and/or extras

Install from source

Alternatively, to install from source, one may clone the git repository (or download the source code from a release) and run pip install . from its root folder.

git clone
cd declearn
pip install .  # or pip install -e .

Install extra dependencies

To also install optional requirements, add the name of the extras between brackets to the pip install command, e.g. running one of the following:

# Examples of cherry-picked installation instructions.
pip install declearn[grpc]   # install dependencies to use gRPC communications
pip install declearn[torch]  # install `declearn.model.torch` dependencies
pip install declearn[tensorflow,torch]  # install both tensorflow and torch

# Instructions to install bundles of optional components.
pip install declearn[all]    # install all extra dependencies, save for testing
pip install declearn[all,tests]  # install all extra and testing dependencies


  • If you are not using a virtual environment, select carefully the pip binary being called (e.g. use python -m pip), and/or add a --user flag to the pip command.
  • Developers may have better installing the package in editable mode, using pip install -e . from the repository's root folder.
  • If you are installing the package within a conda environment, it may be better to run pip install --no-deps declearn so as to only install the package, and then to manually install the dependencies listed in the pyproject.toml file, using conda install rather than pip install whenever it is possible.