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This section provides with demonstration code on how to run a simple federated learning task using declearn, that requires minimal adjustments to be run for real (mainly, to provide with a valid network configuration and actual data).

You may find even more concrete examples on our gitlab repository here. The Heart UCI example may notably be run as-is, either locally or on a real-life network with minimal command-line parametrization.


Here is a quickstart example on how to set up a federated learning process to learn a LASSO logistic regression model (using a scikit-learn backend) using pre-processed data, formatted as csv files with a "label" column, where each client has two files: one for training, the other for validation.

Here, the code uses:

  • standard FedAvg strategy (SGD for local steps, averaging of updates weighted by clients' training dataset size, no modifications of server-side updates)
  • 10 rounds of training, with 5 local epochs performed at each round and 128-samples batch size
  • at least 1 and at most 3 clients, awaited for 180 seconds by the server
  • network communications using gRPC, on host "" and port 8888

Note that this example code may easily be adjusted to suit use cases, using other types of models, alternative federated learning algorithms and/or modifying the communication, training and validation hyper-parameters. Please refer to the Hands-on usage section for a more detailed and general description of how to set up a federated learning task and process with declearn.

Server-side script

import declearn

model = declearn.model.sklearn.SklearnSGDModel.from_parameters(
    kind="classifier", loss="log_loss", penalty="l1"
netwk = declearn.communication.NetworkServerConfig(
    protocol="grpc", host="", port=8888,
optim = declearn.main.config.FLOptimConfig.from_params(
server = declearn.main.FederatedServer(
    model, netwk, optim, checkpoint="outputs"
config = declearn.main.config.FLRunConfig.from_params(
    register={"min_clients": 1, "max_clients": 3, "timeout": 180},
    training={"n_epoch": 5, "batch_size": 128, "drop_remainder": False},

Client-side script

import declearn

netwk = declearn.communication.NetworkClientConfig(
train = declearn.dataset.InMemoryDataset(
    "path/to/train.csv", target="label",
    expose_classes=True  # enable sharing of unique target values
valid = declearn.dataset.InMemoryDataset("path/to/valid.csv", target="label")
client = declearn.main.FederatedClient(
    netwk, train, valid, checkpoint="outputs"

Simulating this experiment locally

To simulate the previous experiment on a single computer, you may set up network communications to go through the localhost, and resort to one of two possibilities:

  1. Run the server and client-wise scripts parallelly, e.g. in distinct terminals.
  2. Use declearn-provided tools to run the server and clients' routines concurrently using multiprocessing.

While technically similar (both solutions resolve on isolating the agents' routines in separate python processes that communicate over the localhost), the second solution offers more practicality in terms of offering a single entrypoint for your experiment, and optionally automatically stopping any running agent in case one of the other has failed. To find out more about this solution, please have a look at the Heart UCI example implemented here.